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Press Release

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641 प्रवर्तन निदेशालय (ईडी) ने 299 आरोपी व्यक्तियों और संस्थाओं के खिलाफ माननीय विशेष न्यायालय (पीएमएलए), दीमापुर, नागालैंड के समक्ष अभियोजन शिकायत दर्ज की है [ जिसमें 76 चीनी नियंत्रित संस्थाएं (जिसके 10 निदेशक चीनी मूल के हैं) और 02 अन्य संस्थाएं अन्य विदेशी नागरिकों द्वारा नियंत्रित हैं, सम्मिलित हैं]। माननीय विशेष न्यायालय, दीमापुर, नागालैंड ने दिनांक 05.03.2024 को उक्त अभियोजन शिकायत में मनी लॉन्ड्रिंग के अपराध का संज्ञान लिया है। 06/Mar/2024 457.51 KB
642 ED has filed a Prosecution Complaint (PC) before the Hon’ble Special Court (PMLA), Dimapur, Nagaland, against 299 accused persons and entities [including 76 Chinese controlled entities (in which 10 Directors are of Chinese origin) and 02 other entities controlled by other foreign nationals]. The Hon’ble Special Court, Dimapur, Nagaland has taken cognizance of the Prosecution Complaint on 5/3/2024. 06/Mar/2024 252.5 KB
643 प्रवर्तन निदेशालय (ईडी), कोलकाता ने शाहजहां शेख और अन्य के खिलाफ चल रही जांच में धन शोधन निवारण अधिनियम (पीएमएलए), 2002 के प्रावधानों के तहत अस्थायी रूप से 12.78 करोड़ रुपये की चल और अचल संपत्ति कुर्क की है। 05/Mar/2024 419.33 KB
644 ED, Kochi has provisionally attached immovable properties worth Rs. 31.69 Lakh belonging to accused namely Sudheesh and Anil Kumar under the provisions of PMLA, 2002 in the matter of Sudheesh and others. 05/Mar/2024 77.87 KB
645 ED, Kolkata has provisionally attached movable and immovable assets worth Rs. 12.78 Crore in the form of 14 immovable properties in the nature of apartment, agriculture land, land for fishery, land and building etc. in Gram Serberia, Sandeshkhali and Kolkata and two bank accounts under the provisions of PMLA, 2002 in the matter of Shahjahan Seikh and others. 05/Mar/2024 46.79 KB
646 ED, Lucknow has arrested Sudhir Kumar Goyal and his wife Smt. Rakhi Goyal on 05.03.2024 in connection with an ongoing investigation under the provisions of PMLA, 2002 and subsequently, both have been produced before the Special Judge (SPE / CBI) (Special Court for PMLA Cases), Ghaziabad on 05.03.2024. The Hon’ble Court has granted ED custody for 7 days till 11-03-2024. 05/Mar/2024 85.71 KB
647 ED, Kochi has provisionally attached movable/immovable properties worth Rs. 6.41 Crore approx. which includes 246 movable properties including securities and bank balances valued at Rs. 68.61 Lakh and 18 immovable properties valued at Rs. 5.72 Crore approx. under the provisions of the PMLA, 2002 on 04.03.2024 from Smt Retnamma, Proprietor of M/s. Sandhya Cashew Factory, Sarath Chandran, S/o Retnamma & three bank ex-officials of Indian Overseas Bank in Kerala. 05/Mar/2024 257.1 KB
648 ED conducted searches in the cases related to illegal immigration of Indian Nationals to foreign countries viz. USA, Canada under PMLA, 2002 on 01.03.2024 at 29 locations in Gujarat, Delhi and Maharashtra at the premises of accused persons, their associates, immigration consultants, auditors etc. During the search operations, various incriminating documents, digital devices, luxury vehicles etc. were seized. Bank accounts containing Rs. 50.10 Lakh (approx.) of accused/suspects and others were frozen. 05/Mar/2024 199.27 KB
649 ED, Bengaluru has conducted search operations on 29.02.2024 and 01.03.2024 at 8 locations in Bengaluru under the provisions PMLA, 2002 at the residential premises of the accused persons Vijaya R Tata and his associates i.e., R S Chandrasekhar, Muniraju K, D Nagendra Babu, Manjunath B S and also on the offices of the related companies viz. Sanchaya Land & Estate Pvt. Ltd., BCC Constructions Pvt. Ltd., Akash Education and Development Trust, S V Concrete Projects Pvt. the case related to M/s Sanchaya Land & Estate Pvt. Ltd. and others. During the search operations bank balance of Rs. 11.25 Crore have been freezed, various documents related to Immovable/Movable properties worth Rs. 120 Crore (approx.) and digital devices were recovered and seized. 05/Mar/2024 226.02 KB
650 ईडी, लखनऊ जोनल कार्यालय ने डॉ. जाकिर हुसैन मेमोरियल ट्रस्ट से संबंधित उत्तर प्रदेश के फरुखाबाद में स्थित कृषि भूमि के रूप में 29.51 लाख रुपए कीमत की 15 अचल संपत्तियों और 4 बैंक खातों में 16.41 लाख रुपए को धन शोधन निवारण अधिनियम (पीएमएलए), 2002 के प्रावधानों के तहत अस्थायी रूप से जब्त किया है। 04/Mar/2024 276.61 KB